Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Writing Lab?
The SDA Writing Lab is a free on-campus writing tutoring service funded by the SDA Foundation.

How Can The Lab Help Me?
The Lab helps students with any and all writing needs, including help with college essays, analytical essays, research papers, DBQ writing, timed essays, creative works, personal projects, and much more.

What Is A Writing Lab Appointment Like?
During your appointment, a tutor will provide you with constructive feedback on your paper/project, including what they like about the work and what questions they might have. Tutoring appointments are pretty laid back, and you can ask the tutor questions at any time (in fact, you are encouraged to do so). As always, the tutor is there for YOU.

How Long Does An Appointment Usually Last?
Appointments typically last between 25-30 minutes, depending on how much time and work the student needs.

How Do I Schedule An Appointment?
Students can make appointments using the online appointment calendar.  *Please make sure to use district emails when scheduling appointments.

Do I Need To Have A Paper To Be Able To Come In?
You don’t need to have a paper to come in. Often, students will come in just to brainstorm ideas or make notes.

Should I Drop Off A Copy Of My Paper Ahead Of My Appointment?
Yes! You do not have to drop your paper off ahead of time, but if you drop off your paper at least 24 hours in advance, we will have time to read your paper before you arrive for your appointment. That way, you spend less time waiting for a tutor to read your paper and more time learning about what makes you a great writer! To drop off a paper, please either share a copy via Google Docs with, or leave a hard copy in the Writing Lab office in the Mustang Commons.

Can I Sign Up For More Than One Appointment?
Certainly! You are welcome to sign up for more than one appointment time if you feel that the extra time is necessary.

Can Teachers Sign Up For Classroom Visits?
Of course! Tutors help in classrooms all the time. Typically, a tutor will either conduct a presentation to the class about a specific topic or simply float around and help individual students–such as when the class is working in a computer lab. To sign up for classroom visits, please use the same online appointment calendar.

More Questions?
You can send an email at: