Welcome to SDA Boys Lacrosse — Home of the Mustangs

Spring 2025 Tryouts & ATHLETIC CLEARANCE

All players must be cleared to play in the spring season. For instructions on the process and the required form, please use this link: https://sites.google.com/view/sdaathletics/athletic-clearance. ***Players must have Athletic Clearance to participate in tryouts.***

Interested in Boys Lacrosse: Please follow this link below and fill out your information so we can add to your team communication platform (TeamSnap):


Spring 2025: The first day of tryouts will be Feb 8th (SDA-Stadium 9am-12:00pm), 11th-15th (Site and Time: TBA).

  • Practice schedule during the season: TIME TBD (SDA Stadium or Oak Crest Middle School)
  • 2/25/25 (Joint Practice/Scrimmage) vs CCA
  • Pull Up For Hunger: 3/24/25 @SDA
  • SDA Food Bank Volunteering: 3/26/25
  • Beach Practice: 4/5/25
  • Roundup JV Tournament @SDA: Friday April 26th 2025, and Saturday April 27th 2025

Interested in trying out for the team?

The team is growing every week! Want to see what all the hype is about? We are gearing up for a great spring season with a Varsity and a Junior Varsity team. This is the time to give lacrosse a try if you’ve never played before and the time to improve your skills if you’re a veteran player. Are you a water polo player a soccer player or a cross-country runner? All of those sports translate well for lacrosse and the seasons don’t conflict.

We are doing a custom team helmet order. If you are interested we are putting together a team helmet order for this year. $320 is the price for the XRS.

Equipment: Need to borrow before buying? We have limited equipment (shoulder pads & sticks) to borrow and are happy to lend out gear. 

Voluntary donation to Boys Lacrosse program

The suggested Voluntary Donation for the 2025 Lacrosse Season is $425 per athlete. Click the donate link to ensure the funds go to our team. When contributing make sure you keep the receipt to get a tax deduction from the SDA Foundation.

Off-Season Box Lacrosse League(s)

Fall 2024

Fall Ball: 2 Box leagues
1. Great Western Lacrosse (Mustangs)

2. North County Box Lacrosse (Register under Mustangs)

Boys Lacrosse played in the off-season outside of SDA is a great way to improve your stick skills! It is a fast-paced game but a great way to start to play with future SDA teammates. We highly recommend these programs for the Summer. Contact sdamustangslax@gmail.com for more information.

Here are some summer options for you to enjoy during the off-season. Do what works for your family!

What else is happening in San Diego this Winter for Camps/Clinics or Leagues?

ULax San Diego
Location: SDSU
Date: Winter 2024
Times: (set times will be announced soon).
Register under “Mustangs”

San Diego Lacrosse Academy:

Annual Winter Alumni Game: SDA current player VS. SDA Alum!

More information or questions about SDA LAX please contact:
Head Coach: Kyle Allen SDAMustangsLax@gmail.com 
Team Parents: Whitney Hardisty (whk3ofus@gmail.com)

For all SDA Lacrosse related updates, please see our Instagram page at @sdaboyslax for all current events.

Skills Camp Fall/Winter

Weekly Lacrosse Clinics & S&C starts on Monday, September 16th-January 29th. Mustangs Lacrosse Fall-Winter Lacrosse Workouts and Strength & Conditioning (designed by Kevin Lewallen Fitness), 36 sessions.

We offer per-session ratesmonthly & one-time payment (discount). Must be registered to participate.

Lacrosse Fall-Winter Clinics:
* Mondays 4:00-5:15PM (till 11/3)
* Wednesdays 2:45pm-4:30PM (till 1/29)
* select Saturdays 11-12:30PM (starting 11/9)

* Monday, 5:30 – 7PM (till 10/28)
and on 11/4 till 1/27 4pm-5:30pm.
* Wednesday, 4:45pm – 6PM
(No programs are offered during Fall and Winter Breaks or other holidays recognized by the school.)

2024-25 Coaching Staff

” Sports are amazing avenues where players can learn to be leaders and take that success off the field and apply it to all aspects of life ”

San Dieguito Academy Boys Lacrosse Varsity Head Coach, Kyle Allen. Kyle is entering into his 3rd year as Varsity Head Coach. He began his love of Lacrosse in High School while wanting to stay in shape in the off-season of football. There his love for Lacrosse was formed, playing throughout high school and into junior college as a Defensiveman and an LSM. Kyle has over 18 years of coaching experience from youth to the collegiate level. Kyle came to SDA in 2022 from the San Diego City Conference where he was the head coach at Mira Mesa High School for 5 years. Along with being the head coach, Kyle is the San Diego League manager for ULAX

Kyle believes that coaching is the most rewarding job. He loves to see a player overcome challenges and reach their goal. At SDA Kyle enjoys a strong sense of community, values, and work ethic. Every SDA player is dedicated and works towards their personal and team goals day by day even before they step onto the field. Coach Kyle’s favorite time of the day is sunset and watching it from the field at SDA is “pretty killer”,

Coach Whibbs

San Dieguito Academy Boys Lacrosse Junior Varsity Head Coach, Vinnie Whibbs