Summer Fun in the Sun!20210625190640
Summer Fun in the Sun!
There’s a summer sports camp or clinic waiting for your athlete to join! These camps and clinics held at SDA are great off-season activities scheduled...
POSTPONED: Spring 2020 SDA Community Doubles Tennis Tournament20200305111512
POSTPONED: Spring 2020 SDA Community Doubles Tennis Tournament
EVENT POSTPONED — WE LOOK FORWARD TO RESCHEDULING SOONCome out and play on SDA's beautiful tennis courts, while supporting our boys and girls tennis t...
POSTPONED: SDA Family Forum: Vaping20200303152240
POSTPONED: SDA Family Forum: Vaping
EVENT POSTPONED: WE LOOK FORWARD TO RESCHEDULING SOON What: San Dieguito Academy Family Forum When: Wednesday, March 18, 6:30 – 8:00 pm Where: SDA Mos...
The Dogs are Coming! 10/23/19 from 3:10-4:10pm20191016144605
The Dogs are Coming! 10/23/19 from 3:10-4:10pm
What: De-stress in the company of sweet, loving therapy dogs! When: Wednesday, October 23, 3:10-4:00 pm Where: Around the bell tower at SDA Sponsored ...
2019 Halloween SDA Community Doubles Tennis Tournament20190903133232
2019 Halloween SDA Community Doubles Tennis Tournament
Come out and play on SDA’s beautiful tennis courts, while supporting our boys and girls tennis teams. Or if you’d prefer, come cheer on yo...
The Dogs are Coming! 5/8/19 from 3:10-4:10pm20190430130717
The Dogs are Coming! 5/8/19 from 3:10-4:10pm
What: De-stress in the company of sweet, loving therapy dogs! When: Wednesday, May 8, 3:10-4:10 pm Where: Around the bell tower at SDA Sponsored by th...
The Dogs are Coming! 10/24/18 from 3:15-4:30pm20181019115055
The Dogs are Coming! 10/24/18 from 3:15-4:30pm
De-stress in the company of sweet, loving therapy dogs!...
2018 Halloween SDA Community Doubles Tennis Tournament20181004100348
2018 Halloween SDA Community Doubles Tennis Tournament
Come out and play on SDA’s beautiful tennis courts, while supporting our boys and girls tennis teams. Or if you’d prefer, come cheer on yo...
Support Girls Bball at Rummage Sale on October 620180926153716
Support Girls Bball at Rummage Sale on October 6
Save the Date: Saturday, October 6; 7 a.m. to 1pm in the front parking lot of the school! Come on out for a fun morning of bargain shopping in support...