
Our Pledge
As a team, we will out hustle and out work all other teams regardless of their size or their reputation.  This starts with exceptional defense, which leads to exceptional offense, which leads to victory.

Our Purpose
To build a competitive basketball program

Our Core Values/Competencies
We want players who want to be part of a team and who are prepared to do what is necessary to compete.  Students will be told, early and often, what is expected of them if they are chosen to be on a team.  All players in the program will possess and maintain a set of Core Values / Competencies.  We define “players” as student athletes who:
-want to compete
-are coachable
-are perseverant
-have a strong work ethic
-are committed to improving their bodies and their game
-possess high moral character and are accountable for their actions
-are selfless and are excellent teammates
-understand that they are students, first and foremost
-are skilled and possess a high basketball IQ

Our Plan
Our job as coaches is to find the players that possess these Core Values/Competencies and to form teams by assembling a group of players who give the team the best chance to compete and succeed. We will teach students the skills that are necessary to become better basketball players, pass on knowledge and experience and work hard to place players in a position to succeed.

We will set clear expectations for each player and for the team.  We plan to put the best players on the floor at all times to give our teams the best opportunity to win.   We will require players work extremely hard to earn AND keep a spot on the team.  We will continually evaluate the players and the teams to measure whether expectations are being met.  Coaches will communicate with players and be honest with their assessment of each player’s ability and progress. 

We plan to be passionate during games and practices. We will celebrate successes and utilize setbacks as opportunities to teach

Players will be encouraged to advocate for themselves by communicating with the coaching staff in order to obtain the information and support that they need to take full advantage of what the program and the coaching staff has to offer.