Many of our alumni do not have computer access and prefer to receive their twice-yearly newsletters in print.
Unfortunately, postage and printing costs continue to climb. We’ve managed to keep costs low with volunteer support in assembling the newsletter, but we typically pay between $1500 and $2000 per newsletter. And yet, we do not require membership dues. We subsist on donations.
If you would like to help, please consider sponsoring a newsletter. Here are some ways you can help us and how we can thank you publicly:
Options for visibility in the Mustang Memories Newsletter
Level 1
Newsletter, website and Facebook mention. Your name or company banner (200 px wide or high) and link to your website. Promotional post of at least 200 words about your company on the Alumni website. Link to your website with note about your support on our Facebook page.
Level 2
Website and Facebook mention. Your name or your company’s logo (150 px wide or high) and link to your website. 100 word description noting your support on our supporter page. Facebook mention with link to our websites supporter page.
Level 3
Website mention. Your name or your company’s name with link to your website. 25 word description noting your support on our supporter page.
Thank you again for your support!