Quick links to sections on this page
- Photos of the memorial dedication ceremony
- Names on our memorial: Vietnam
- Names on our memorial: Korea
- Names on our memorial: World War II
- News articles about our memorial
- Support the Fallen Alumni Scholarship Program
Photos of the memorial dedication ceremony
- 1st Lt. James M. Mitchell (’59)1, U.S.M.C., 08 August 1940 – 31 August 1965
- Lt. j.g. Michael R. Zerbe (’59), U.S.N.R., 11 December 1941 – 15 April 1966
- Sp4 Raymond N. Curley (’64), U.S.A., December 24, 1946 to February 05, 1968
- Pfc. Thomas L. Mericantante (’67), U.S.A., September 17, 1949 to August 16, 1968
- Spec. 4 Victor Lopez (’66)2, U.S.A., December 17, 1947 to January 17, 1969
- 1st Lt. Charles B. Henricks (’60), U.S.M.C., July 28, 1942 to March 23, 1969
- Capt. Joseph M. Tworek (’64), U.S.A., 1946-1971
- Pfc. David Dawson Peppin, Jr. (’65), U.S.M.C., August 01, 1947 to July 10, 1969
- Cpl. Armando Diaz Ramos (’69), USA., 1951-1971
1See also A Life Not Forgotten: Encinitas woman still trying to understand husband’s death, Wendy Haskett, North County Times, Mary 24, 1998.
2See also a letter from one of Victor’s classmate’s on this page (scroll down to find it)
- Pvt. William P. Raney (’49), U.S.A., 1932-1953, deceased July 21, 1951
- Corpsman Jack E. Vaughn (’49), U.S.N., 1931-1950, deceased November 23, 1950
World War II
- Sgt. Jerry T. Archer (’40), U.S.A.F., 1925-1945, deceased May 22, 1944
- 2nd Lt. Richard B. Cozens (’40), U.S.A.F., 1922-1944, deceased August 17, 1944
- Pvt. Jesus V. Covarruvias (’41), U.S.A., 1922-1945, deceased April 29, 1945
- Pfc. Frank Eugene Dawson (’39), U.S.A., 1921-1944, deceased December 13, 1944
- 2nd Lt. Walter Hunt (’41), U.S.A.F., 1924-1945, deceased May 8, 1945
- Pfc. Melvin A. Johnson (’43), U.S.A., 1925-1944, deceased December 1, 1944
- Cpl. Joseph B. Mettam (’37), U.S.A.F., deceased May 22, 1944
- Sgt. Donald R. Petrie (’39), U.S.A.F., 1922-1924, deceased February 28, 1944
- Pfc. Tom Williams(’43), U.S.A., 1923-1944
News articles about our memorial
- 11/08/2001 Vietnam memorial under way, Tom Morrow, North County Times
- 11/09/2001 Request to install memorial denied, Adam Kaye, North County Times
- 11/19/2001 Veterans at war with school district, Tom Morrow, North County Times
- 11/22/2001 School a happy place in short lives, Tom Morrow, North County Times
- 11/25/2001 Del Mar vet miffed over memorial, North County Times
- 11/26/2001 Roses and Raspberries: A raspberry–the “What Planet Are You From?” award”, San Diego Union-Tribune
- 11/26/2001 High school pondering memorial, Tom Morrow, North County Times
- 11/27/2001 Vista grad moved by plaque for fallen vets, North County Times
- 11/28/2001 Formal proposal for memorial requested, North County Times
- 12/01/2001 District clarifies war memorial stand, North County Times
- 12/02/2001 O’side man knew Vietnam vets at SDHS, North County Times
- 12/04/2001 Veterans submit war memorial proposal, North County Times
- 12/12/2001 War memorial preserves our heritage (letter to the editor), North County Times
- 12/14/2001 Board embraces memorial proposal, North County Times
- 12/17/2001 Roses and raspberries: A rose, “The Taps Award,&lrquo; San Diego Union-Tribune
- 01/15/2002 High school board to consider memorial policy, North County Times
- 01/18/2002 San Dieguito board discusses memorial, North County Times
- 02/02/2002 Veterans more than just names on stone, North County Times
- 02/18/2002 Memorial policy deserves thanks (letter to the editor), North County Times
- 02/08/2002 Academy board changes war memorial policy, North County Times
- 04/30/2002 Raising funds for memorial underway, North County Times
- 06/06/2002 Vets work to honor the fallen, Kara M. Blanchard, The Coast News
- 10/25/2003 Community News: San Dieguito to unveil veterans memorial, North County Times (link no longer works)
- 10/25/2003 Veterans Day To Be Busy Locally, North County Times
- 11/03/2002 Veterans group plans golf tourney, North County Times
- 11/09/2003 Encinitas school remembers lost alumni, North County Times
- 11/09/2003 Vets remind students of sacrifice, San Diego Union-Tribune
- 11/12/2003 Memorial at Encinitas academy fulfills vet’s promise, Sherry Parmet, San Diego Union-Tribune (link no longer works)
- 11/12/2003 Region remembers its veterans: Memorial dedicated, Staff reports, North County Times (link no longer works)
- 11/12/2003 Region Honors Veterans, North County Times
- 11/12/2003 A vow, and a memory, never to be forgotten, San Diego Union-Tribune
- 11/16/2003 Veterans remembered throughout North County, North County Times
- 01/18/2003 San Dieguito memorial project gains momentum, North County Times
- 07/10/2004 Veterans Honor Latest Addition to Memorial at San Dieguito Academy, North County Times
- 11/20/2008 Remembering “The Greatest Generation,” Bill Arballo, The Coast News (link no longer works)
The former SDHS Veterans Association devoted hundreds of hours to find the names of all former students who lost their lives in the armed forces, but room was left on the memorial plaque for any individuals identified after the memorial was placed.
If you know of an alumnus who died while serving our country during a time of war but who is not listed on the memorial, please contact us at sda.alumni@gmail.com.
Support the Fallen Alumni Scholarship Program
The Fallen Alumni Scholarship preserves the memory of former students who gave their lives serving in the U.S. armed forces during wartime and honors those lives through scholarships given in the names of the deceased. You may donate online HERE. Or if you’d prefer to send a check, please make it out to “SDAF” and note “Fallen Alumni” in the memo field. Please send your check to:
Fallen Alumni Scholarship Fund
P.O. Box 235109
Encinitas, CA 92023