Things I’ve noticed Since I’ve been your Writing Lab Tutor… part 1

I’d like to review how to write a body paragraph and the editorial ques one needs to touch to have an effective paragraph.

Here is the general outline of a body paragraph:

Topic Sentence: 1-2 short sentences–in a sentence, explain what’s the topic of the quotation you will use as evidence?                                                                                                     Lean in: 1-2 sentences–discussing who the author is (if you haven’t already), when was it written, is it a book, article, or Blog?                                                                                          Quote: 1-2 sentences (if longer use block quote)–a word for word citation of what the author said in “quotation marks,” (where is it? page number goes in here, plus author if you haven’t mentioned him before.)) (No joke, the quotation marks will save you from being expelled in some universities.)                                                                             Analysis: 2-4 sentences–Use one sentence to address the quote and how it relates to your topic. Then explain why that meaning is important regarding your understanding of the text. Lastly, a transition sentence that links this paragraph with the next one. (Note: You have to address the quote and explain why it’s important to your paper. If you do not have a good answer for its importance you must find a better quote.)

Guidelines to go by: a paragraph should never exceed one half of a page. And in order to have a great analytical paragraph, you must cover each of these points in at least 4 sentences. And, I cannot express the importance a lead in has!!!!

Thanks for listening, SDA.