This photo taken by Neal Glasgow, all rights reserved. Left-to-right: Robert Hefferle, Bonnie Wren, Denise Mueller-Korenek, Jamie Clippinger
On December 7, 2019, the forecast called for 60% chance of rain. The City of Encinitas let everyone know that the parade would go on, rain or shine, so we prepared to march in the rain!
Imagine how glad we were when not a drop fell on that beautiful night! It wasn’t even that cold and we had a blast!
Our honoree was Denise Mueller-Korenek (’91), who broke the bicycle land speed record of 167 mph on September 16, 2018 at Utah’s Bonneville Salt Flats, when she pedaled her bicycle 183.932 miles per hour! This was truly death-defying because at that speed? A fall could’ve killed her.
Denise brought her bicycle and wore the leather jumpsuit she wore that day she made cycling land speed history, and boy, is she amazing. And humble. And as funny as all get out. We had a quick interview here (the audio isn’t that great, but you can turn on the captions by clicking the white gear wheel in the bottom right of the video and turning “CAPTIONS ON”)
Photos below:

Parking is very strict at the parade, so always watch for these signs!

Class of 1984: Rosalena Ramirez Hefferle and Nanette Salud Clippinger

Lisa Wilson Tucker and husband Mike Tucker both Class of 1986.

Denise’s speed jumpsuit is leather and not very flexible. She needed help from her hubby, Chris, to tie her shoes!

Alumni line up to begin to march! Denise Mueller-Korenek (’91) and her hubby Chris, Robert Hefferle, Rosalena Ramirez Hefferle (’84), Mike Tucker (’86), Lisa Wilson Tucker (’86), Robert Hefferle, Jr., Nanette Salud Clippinger (’84), Jamie Clippinger.

Jamie and Nanette Clippinger. Jamie is a honorary Mustang; he and Nanette do a ton of work maintaining our Fallen Alumni Memorial and our Mustang Legacy Project bricks!

Denise Mueller-Korenek (’91, on the right) posed with Alumni Coordinator Bonnie Wren and Alumni Chair Nanette Salud Clippinger (’84) at the end of the parade.