SDA athletic director make-up session

For those athletes and/or parents that couldn’t attend last Friday’s meeting (and did not attend a Fall sport AD session) the make-up meeting is:

Monday, December 15th in the Conference Room
Athletes – 11:30am
Parents – 6:00pm
Both the athlete and one parent must be signed off as attended in order for the athlete to play.

JV/JVB practice today?

I know everyone is itching to know if the fields are OK to play.  The worst case will be weight training at SDA, probably same time as yesterday.  Donn is checking the fields at 2:30P and I will post as soon as I hear from him.

Uniform distribution Monday, December 1st

Uniform distribution at SDA equipment storage area (next to locker room).

  • JVB                            5:15P
  • JV                               6:00P
  • Varsity                     6:45P

Please arrive on time and  wait outside the storage area in a line until you are called. You will check your bag and sign the sign out sheet and then you are done. Thanks.

(Numbers/uniforms are pre-assigned so we are not taking any requests :))



The next event scheduled (now that teams are selected) is Parent’s night at 6PM on December 5th in the Mosaic Cafe.  Parent attendance is mandatory.  Since you are going to be there anyway, you can really help the team out by volunteering for one of the spots listed under the VOLUNTEERS menu!  We are trying to make this meeting as short as possible, if we are fully manned at the tables it will go very quickly and you’ll get to meet the other parents on the team as well. Thanks.

Campus map (Mosaic cafe)map Aug 2014


For those of you that want to save some time on Parent’s night (December 5th) we have provided an on line ordering form for SDA Spiritwear.  Go to the SDA WEAR menu to the right and order.  If payment is made (check or credit card) on Parent’s night you will receive a 10% discount off your order total.