
Tryouts for Boys Soccer are held in November. Players are expected to attend all days. The 2024-25 season tryout schedule will be posted below to give players a sense of the timing for the tryouts.

High school soccer training begins shortly after tryouts are completed. Players may complete their club soccer commitments, but players cannot play in high school games until their club soccer participation has paused.

The Boys Soccer program plans to offer its series of fall clinics for tryout preparation, and we highly encourage all interested players to attend. The optional clinics are offered for a fee, and scholarships are available.

Please read and follow directions carefully.

2024/25 Tryout Schedule

  • November 12th – 15th; Tuesday thru Friday

at the following times and locations:

Freshmen (9th graders)4:30-6:00pmOak Crest Lower Grass Field
Upper classmen (10-12th graders) 7:00-9:00pmSDA Stadium field
  • NOTE: dates, times, and locations are subject to change.
  • Check in will begin 30 minutes prior to tryout session.


Registration for tryouts is completed via the athletic clearance process with the SDA Athletics Office. Instructions to complete clearance can be found here: There will be no exceptions to this policy.

Updates regarding tryouts will be send to players who have completed the athletic clearance process AND to those who have registered on the interest list.


  • Please arrive 30 minutes early to get checked in. The start of tryouts will not be delayed to accommodate students still waiting to be checked-in at the scheduled start time.
  • Players must listen to carefully to instructions from check-in volunteers in order to ensure an orderly process.
  • No spectators will be allowed at either tryout location. Parents should drop off their players and return to campus at the scheduled
  • At check-in, players will be asked for their grade and name so we can confirm that they have received athletic clearance. Prospective players who intend to try out must have completed online athletic clearance process, which includes physical and grades review in order to participate in tryouts. Players who have not been cleared will not be allowed to try out.

    • Boys should come ready to play soccer with athletic clothing, soccer socks, shin guards, and cleats. Players should also bring water.
    • NOTE: absolutely no club branded gear should be worn at tryouts. SDA practice shirts are OK.  There will be no exceptions to this policy.
    • We also highly recommend the boys bring (non-club) warmups as temperatures in the evening might be chilly.
    • All players should attend all scheduled days for their age group. If you are unable to attend for any reason, please let the coaches know ASAP. 


Specific guidance for succeeding at tryouts has been provided by Coach Elenz-Martin:


  • Attend the Mandatory Player/Parent Meetings, which will be scheduled ASAP following tryouts:,
    1. Sports meeting w/Athletic Director Scott Jordan: Parents & Students (location/date TBD).  (Note: parents and students participating in SDA athletics must participate in at least one sports meeting with Director Jordon during the year prior to being allowed to play.) Feshman and new players should view the message from Scott Jordan here:
    2. Boys soccer parents’ meeting w/the boys soccer Liaisons and coaching staff (location/date TBD).  This meeting is soccer-specific, and it is critical that at least one parent attend.  Players should not attend this meeting.
  • Attend all team practices
  • Attend all team games
  • Adhere to the Player/Parent Agreement