We are getting ready for the start of the 2016-2017 boys high school soccer season and have some important information to share. First, we want to welcome Coach Keith Whitmer, our new boys soccer varsity coach and English teacher at SDA. Coach Whitmer is looking forward to his inaugural season with SDA boys soccer.
Athletic Clearance
Please note that all players must complete the online clearance process by November 4. This system replaces blue cards and more information can be found at: https://sites.google.com/a/sduhsd.net/sdaathletics/.
Mustang Boys Soccer Fall Training Camp
Prior to the start of the season we will be holding a fall soccer training camp. The cost is $10 for a total of 4 sessions (a flat $10 for 1 session or all 4 sessions)
Dates: Fridays 3:45 – 5:00 pm on October 7, 14, 21, and 28
Place: SDA Softball field
The players/parents must fill out a Registration Form, Waiver and $10 cash or a check payable to SDAF. All the signed paperwork is required before the players step on the field. To receive the forms, please email Mirle Bussell: m-sbussell@sbcglobal.net. Completed forms must be turned in to Megan Thompson in the SDA athletic office.
Tryouts – 2016-2017
Tryouts will be held on November 14, 15, 16. The times will be posted in a few weeks.